Thema: Baden Baden bahnhof cinderealla origien? 1880ish
Kloster Am: 25.07.2016 16:19:31 Gelesen: 3866# 1 @  
Hello all!

Looking for info regarding this private made stamp showing the Bahnhof in Baden Baden - would anyone have any info about it?

Thanks in advance

chuck193 Am: 27.07.2016 16:40:41 Gelesen: 3842# 2 @  
@ Kloster [#1]

Hi Kloster,

re the 'Bahnhof' Baden Baden, did you google it?

Kloster Am: 27.07.2016 22:52:45 Gelesen: 3838# 3 @  
Chuck - yes offcours I did, that's why I came here, because some hours on Google didn't provide the answers I was looking for.

Who made this, when was it made.
