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Thema: Mevu - der unbekannte Antarktis Staat
AfriKiwi Am: 03.05.2010 23:45:15 Gelesen: 20519# 1 @  
[verschoben aus: Tiere der Arktis und Antarktis]

Eine Neu-Erscheinung von Antarktische Phantom Philatelie:

Weitere Informationen als auf den Marken ist nicht vorhanden.

Richard Am: 13.03.2011 08:38:12 Gelesen: 12452# 2 @  
Wer da wohl in Antarktis die Post der Republik Mevu befördert ? Albatross Vögel oder Schlittenhunde - nein im Helikopter.

Mehr zur 1970 gegründeten Republik:

The Republic of Mevu was proclaimed in 1970, when a pioneering group established the country on the Riiser-Larsen Peninsular in Antarctica. The country underwent various changes of government over the years. In 1972, it became a National State, which prompted an armed rebellion, and in 1973, the rebels took over and set up the Democratic People's Co-operative Republic of Mevu (or DPCR Mevu, as it was abbreviated on the stamps.) In 1990, we celebrated our 20th Birthday, a truly monumental occasion! Later, the country joined the Antarctic Confederation of City Republics (ACCR) and decreased issuing its own stamps. Its identity has been rather subsumed to the ACCR since then.

Currency is metric: 100 tanos = 1 reis.

Founder of the country is the renowned Norwegian archaeologist, Geir Sør-Reime. The ruling party over most of the history of the country has been the People's Democracy World Movement (PDWM), a utopian group who were keen to find some land to practice the ideals they espouse.

Mevu is a founding member of the International Council of Independent States (ICIS), the "United Nations" of the Fifth World, founded in 1984.

(Ein weiteres Mitglied dieser Staatengemeinschaft ist das Sultanate of Upper Yafa)

Supplies and mail are often carried by helicopter in Antarctica.

Human population of Mevu is small. The greatest population is made up of penguins, most of whom are Emperors. The penguin is a protected species in the ACCR.

(Quelle: )
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