Thema: (?) (4) Deutsches Reich: Farbarten
SonjaD17 Am: 14.01.2016 17:52:16 Gelesen: 13757# 7@  
Was ich so zum Thema Fälschungen im 2. WK gefunden habe:


How were these stamps created?

General "Wild Bill" Donovan, head of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) the U.S. espionage agency during World War II (that later became the CIA) ordered the stamps printed by OSS operations in Switzerland. The standard 6pf and 12pf Hitler Head stamps were forged in sheets of 50 instead of the sheets of 100 of the originals. The main differences lie in the paper (chalky coated paper for the originals, dull for the forgeries) and the perforations (14x14 1/2 for the originals, 11 1/2 to 13x12 1/2 for the forgeries-- note the graphic below). Also, an additional forgery of the 12pf was made, but the inscription was altered to read "Futsches Reich" meaning "Ruined Empire" (note graphic above).

Es gab also Fälschungen, die wie Originale aussahen, z.B. von Amerikanern gedruckt u.a.

Noch eine Seite dazu:

Also mit einfachen Worten: Wenn ich 14 Perforationen an der Oberkante zählen kann = Original, bei weniger Fälschung - und da dann auch noch gelbliche Gummierung vorhanden - hmmmm.

Also scheinen beide original zu sein trotz Farbunterschied.