Thema: Baldwin's Coins & Stanley Gibbons in der Strand Collectibles Group vereinigt
Richard Am: 29.06.2009 08:15:00 Gelesen: 98433# 6@  
This Is When Stamps Start to Look EXCITING

Britain's Best Investment Guarantee Closes On 30 June 2009

Dear Reader,

There was a time when many thought stamps were boring. There was a time when earning a 4% return on your money per annum was boring.

Not anymore. With interest rates at 0.5% in the UK, suddenly a return of 4% per annum looks exciting. You can assure at least that return with a rare stamp investment in our guaranteed minimum return investment contracts.

Not only that, the 4% per annum return is the guaranteed minimum return. This market shows excellent growth potential. Rare stamps have increased in value by an average annual compound growth rate of 10% in the past 50 years.

10% of my own investments are in rare stamps and historical signatures. These were the only assets I own that increased in value during 2008. The GB30 Rarities Index - as reported by Bloomberg - was up 38.6% in 2008 amidst the global credit crunch and a backdrop of world economic gloom.

My planned investment holding period is life. I have recommended this product to all of my friends and family. I wouldn't recommend anything to my friends and family unless I was 100% comfortable they won't lose money.

Stanley Gibbons To Lower Minimum Return Rates on Investment Contracts

The Stanley Gibbons Board of Directors meets on the 25th June to agree future rates available on our Guaranteed Minimum Return Contracts.

We reduced rates last time by 1% to reflect the reduction in interest rates in the UK from 4.5% to 3%. Since then, interest rates have gone down by a further 2.5% to 0.5%. It is inevitable that the Board will decide to lower the minimum returns offered on our investment contracts later this month.

We will announce our new rates on 1st July. It is the only investment in the world guaranteeing you a minimum 20% gain over the next 5 years, with the potential returns as high as 600%.

Before the rates change, I am giving you one last chance to register for one of our Guaranteed Minimum Return Investment Contracts at the current rates, which are available here.

I got my friends and family in before the door closes. If you want to get in too, all you need to do now is register to reserve your portfolio by 30 June 2009. You don't need to have the funds available right now although we would expect to receive payment from you no later than the 31st July 2009.

To sign up for your last chance at the above rates and to get your portfolio reserved, please complete the form in the link below:

<Complete the application form>

If you haven't registered your name above, that probably means you don't yet understand enough about our investment products. Having spent 10 years immersed in the world of stamps, I see first hand daily, why the rare stamp market provides such a secure means of storing wealth.

If you saw the way collectors passionately chase the stamps they need, to fill the gaps in their collection at higher and higher prices, you would understand why the market is almost self-fulfilling. It is this passion and the ache for completeness that protects the value of rare stamps from the panic fuelled volatility we see in most markets today.

I have two options for you to help you see the light:

1. If you would like a FREE, no obligation personal consultation with one of our investment advisors, please complete the contact request form in the link below:

2. Read the FULL REPORT on our Guaranteed Minimum Return Investment Contracts and detailed terms and conditions.

You will see there are no hidden catches. Your broker will tell you this is a bad idea but that's because he wants your commission. Don't be distracted from making the right decisions about your own wealth.

Somewhere Safe to Put Your Cash

This is your opportunity to achieve true wealth diversification in a safe asset class offering an exciting minimum return of 4%. What other investment do you know of that possesses all of these attributes:

* Has risen in value every year for the last 50 years.
* Shows no correlation with any other asset class.
* Guarantees a minimum return of 4% per annum over the next 5 years.
* Offers you an unlimited upside.
* Is easy to get into, with no hidden costs.
* Historically performed well in recessionary periods.
* Is backed by the biggest brand name in its field with a history spanning over 150 years.
* Provides hedge against inflation (during the decade of the 1970s - the last time of high inflation - rare stamps increased in price by over 600% in the decade).
* No opportunity costs against savings earning "nothing" in the bank.
Protects against any devaluation in sterling as an internationally traded portable commodity.
* Represents an investment in a tangible asset with a value embedded in history.

Sign up now to bank your 4% minimum guaranteed return over the next 5 years.


Mike Hall
Chief Executive
The Stanley Gibbons Group PLC

PS. It is important you understand the fundamental principle of your investment. First and foremost, you are making an investment in a tangible asset - rare stamps. We only sell rare stamps in the "right" condition to provide the chance for premium returns. We are content with nothing short of perfection, to ensure that your investment in stamps will be a joy to yourself and a satisfaction to your descendants.


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