Thema: Die berühmtesten und wertvollsten Briefmarken der Welt
Philipp Harder Am: 10.11.2018 22:13:36 Gelesen: 481960# 447@  
@ Lohengrin [#445]

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Die Diskussion über den Victor Hugo Brief ist eine spannende Sache. Leider veröffentlicht Herr Najjar nur Gutachten, die keine Hinweise auf eine Verfälschung liefern.


Die ganze Diskussion geht über 10 Jahre und 64 Seiten:

"From the Expert Committee Report (by Chris Harman, the Chairman) in the July-August 2017 edition of The London Philatelist: In last year’s report to the AGM, I reported on the July-August 2015 edition of The London Philatelist, which saw the publication of the Committee’s analysis and conclusion on the notorious three 1864 1d rose-reds with the plate number seemingly reading “77” on a large piece from Guernsey to Brussels.

A certificate had been issued in 2006 stating that the stamps were faked from stamps from Plate 73. I also referred to the fact that we were prevented from stating in that article that we had seen the piece again in 2014 after it had been subjected to various forensic analyses.

At the time of the last AGM we fully expected a further article to be published in The Collectors Club Philatelist detailing our own further forensic analysis during this second examination. The results reinforced the Committee’s opinion that the stamps were faked.

Regrettably, having seen the proposed article, the owner again refused permission for the CCP article to be published. An example of selective science if ever there was one."

"From the RSSL [sic] report it can be seen that the stamps have been soaked and the aluminium from the alum is missing in the areas where there was no ink (the white areas on the stamp). Aluminium is present in the areas where it has been protected by the ink. The exception is the second seven where the aluminium has been severely reduced.

To remove the aluminium, you have to remove the ink that covers it. Therefore the ink that is present now is not the original ink. Therefore the stamps have been tampered with and the stamps are fake plate 77 made by a forger."