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Thema: Info abt one " K.u.k... . " cachet , please
March Am: 07.07.2013 14:34:02 Gelesen: 1885# 1 @  

I cannot find on net info about this particular Austrian Military " K.u.k..... " Cachet. Can someone help please ?


jmh67 Am: 07.07.2013 14:58:34 Gelesen: 1871# 2 @  
I suspect that the first line reads in longhand: "Kaiserlicher und Königlicher Stabsoffizier der Telegrafentruppen des 10. Armeekorps" (although it might just as well be the plural), i.e. "Imperial and Royal staff officer(s) of the telegraph troops of the 10th army corps". The rest is easy: "Army telegraphers' school / 1st company" - looks like one of the higher brass among the brass pounders sent that postcard ;-)

doktorstamp Am: 07.07.2013 15:00:40 Gelesen: 1871# 3 @  
@ March [#1]

Such cachets occur on many items of military mail, from all countries and all periods. They are classified as "Unit Cachets".

They are generally used to signify the official nature of the source and the right to free-franking.

Written in full;

Kaiserliche und Königliche Stabsoffiziere der Telegrafentruppen der 10. Armee Korps

A small tip, when using Google, consider using, it gives a broader result, you could of course refine your search by using before entering your search criteria, particularly as your query relates to this country.


March Am: 07.07.2013 15:09:32 Gelesen: 1862# 4 @  
@ doktorstamp [#3]

Thanks Jan-Martin and Nigel for clarification
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