Thema: Germany 3 pf postal stationery postcard
Max78 Am: 21.04.2017 18:18:30 Gelesen: 4124# 2@  
Dear Sandydina,

good question and I hope that I can help you with some information:

as you can see the sender and recipient is the same. I think its a privat card for a response. Because the customer or client had to write his wishes or order backside on the card (in the case he would use these card), its no printed matter anymore, but rather a postcard, which the customer had to send back to the company. When he lived in Hannover, too, he didn't have to pay for sending back these card, because the local rate was 2 Pfennige for a postcard (local rate only between 1900-1902 (for this issue)). When he lived in another town he had to upgrade the card to 5 Pfennige for the return.

Anyway, I think its more a temporary makeshift and its definitely no official postal stationery. Maybe the card once before was used as a usual printed matter to promote the company, parted in two pieces (linked together), which was send to potential customers for the regular postage of 3 Pf. for a printed matter (first part with no cancellation of the word "Drucksache").

best regards, Max

an die Redaktion: eventuell lassen sich diese Beiträge ja ins Thema: Deutsches Reich: Privatganzsachen / Postkarten verschieben.