Thema: (?) (53) USA: Malteserkreuzstempel / Fancy Cancels
AfriKiwi Am: 05.03.2009 20:34:48 Gelesen: 58078# 17@  
@ Briefmarken-Museum [#16]

Mit den Stempel-Fälschungen ist das für die Philatelisten eine klar alte Geschichte. Jeder kann sich ein Sternchen auf seine Briefmarke malen.

Der Glaube dem nicht religösen Mensch wird gefüttert mit Tatsache, soll nicht heißen das er nicht religiös ist.

Das Bild oben zeugt wie Hillary träumt ihren Mann mal President wird. Talente wurden belohnt auch in Arkansas.

Solche Stempel kommem ja schon gut unter der 'Lupe' wie Politiker.


PS Bei eine gleiche US Seite wie hier habe ich mal nachgefragt und war schnell gefunden. Eine Aussage: Maltese Cross

Eric, as has been stated, there were many suppliers/manufacturers of fancy cancels supplied to 3rd and 4th class P.O.s. Jim Cole's excellent book on "Cancellations and Killers of the Banknote Era" opens with an article by Dick Graham on the subject and show several of he early ads including that of E. S. Miller of Newark, OH that shows an identical MC killer that appeared in the Jan. 1884 issue of the U.S. Postal Guide. Specifically it mentions the flexible nature of the device, indicating it was made of rubber. Further, Miller says, "These stamps never need cleaning, and will always give a perfect imptression, if my ink is used." The later phrase is emboldened by me as the rubber used in those days would very rapidly deteriorate if standard ink were used. Kersosene, etc. would cause device break up in very little time, so special inks were used. In many cases it was apparently water based, and that allowed the use of many different colors, expecially blue, red and violet.