Thema: Grossbritannien: Englischen Text entziffern
bignell Am: 06.10.2018 12:36:39 Gelesen: 3551# 6@  
Liebe Freunde,

ich habe diesen Brief schon in einem anderen Thema [1] gezeigt, aber nun auch versucht ihn zu entziffern und bin zu meiner Verwunderung darauf gestossen, dass im Internet über den Schreiber ein Wikipedia-Artikel existiert.

Gefaltet 15.3 x 2.5 cm, wohl geschmuggelt. Geschrieben 1622 in Breda (NL) vermutlich nach England, Transkription nachstehend.

Wenn jemand die Lücken füllen könnte, wäre ich sehr dankbar.

Lg, harald

To my much honored the verteous Mrs Elizabeth Apsely (=Apsley [2]) ??these

Honored Lady.
Though I purpose to wayte on you within these few dayes, I have in the mean tyme taken the bouldness to present my service onto you, by the bearer hereof my hono.ble good frend Sr John Throckmorton [3], whom I beserch you to take notice of, as one to whom my self and my brothers are much obliged, for his affectionate love, which he hath ever bene ready, uppon all occasions, to express his desyre is to be known onto you, and to serve you, and knowinge me to be for much y(ou)r servant, hath done me the honor, to thinke me worthy to doe him this service, wherin if you please to pardon my bouldness, I shall after?? it an especiall favour and however remayne
Breda this 5th of March 1622
Yours affectionately to honor and fevur your
Tho: Morton [4]
remember I beseech you my love and service to my deare coser?? the noble sisters
