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Thema: Schweiz: Flaggenstempel
Manne Am: 01.11.2012 14:03:31 Gelesen: 13022# 1 @  
Hallo zusammen,

ist zwar keiner aus Deutschland, aber trotzdem schön.

Bern vom 30.04.1919.


[Redaktionell verschoben aus Deutsches Reich: Flaggenstempel]
deCoppet Am: 09.04.2015 02:29:47 Gelesen: 12265# 2 @  
Can anyone tell me the value of this machine cancel?

Made by Michelius GmbH of Frankfurt A/M and used for only 5 days, 15 April - 20 April 1914, in Bern before being returned to the manufacturer as unsuitable. I found this a few years ago in a lot that had about 7 covers all from the same correspondence, but the others had "normal" machine cancels.

jahlert Am: 23.04.2015 11:52:16 Gelesen: 12187# 3 @  
@ deCoppet [#2]

Hi Roger,

did you hear something about this machine?

I try to visit 'Poststempelgilde' in Essen (05/07 - 05/09). Perhaps I'll find their book #177.

LOGO58 Am: 23.04.2015 14:58:18 Gelesen: 12165# 4 @  
@ jahlert [#3]

Hallo Jürgen,

wenn du den Band 177 aus der Neuen Schriftenreihe der Poststempelgilde e.V., Die Halbstempelmaschinen Universal und Standard, meinst, den habe ich im Regal und kann dir Auskunft geben, wenn du deine Fragestellung präzisierst.

Einfacher ist es allerdings, wenn du unser Philaseitenmitglied Tuffi kontaktierst (er scheint dieses Thema nicht mitzulesen), denn der ist Mitautor dieses Buches.

Grüße aus dem Norden
Jürgen Witkowski Am: 23.04.2015 20:51:48 Gelesen: 12131# 5 @  
@ deCoppet [#2]

Im Handbuch von Balimann [1] ist der Stempel mit 40 Punkten bewertet. Da in der überwiegenden Anzahl Postkarten gestempelt wurden und Du eine Briefganzsache mit einem sehr deutlichen Stempel besitzt, könnte man den Wert nach meiner Meinung bei ca. 50 bis 60 € ansetzen.

Mit besten Sammlergrüßen

[1] Giovanni Balimann, Handbuch der Maschinenstempel der Schweiz, des Fürstentums Liechtenstein und der UNO-Postverwaltung in Genf
deCoppet Am: 24.04.2015 15:30:35 Gelesen: 12097# 6 @  
@ Concordia CA

Thank you. I have seen copies of the Balimann Handbook when visiting Switzerland, but it is more expensive than this letter. ); >) I do not collect machine cancels so only an occasional inquiry is needed. I collect rasierklingenstempel and always look at cancels and I am tempted to buy unusual ones.

My newest acquisition. Notice the day and time this card was processed at the Aarau post office. The same clerk changed the date and hour wheels at midnight while processing this card.

Again, thanks.

Heinz 7 Am: 24.04.2015 23:48:19 Gelesen: 12070# 7 @  
@ deCoppet [#6]

Hello Roger

The "Rasierklingenstempel" is not a "Flaggenstempel" and is not of a machine cancellation, but was a hand-made cancellation. We have an own theme to the "Rasierklingenstempel" on Philaseiten. I suggest you better place your postcard there.

Kind regards
Heinz 7 Am: 25.04.2015 00:01:22 Gelesen: 12069# 8 @  
@ deCoppet [#6]


by studying your card I see two interesting details

a) the Card is called "Postkarte", but seems to be a card without printed value, therefore it is NOT a postcard in the PHILATELIC MEANING. It's rather a Picture postcard... The Card was only carried because it was additionally franked with a stamp!

b) The cancellation Aarau "25.XII" could be applied many hours after the cancellations on the right "24.XII". The cancellations on the right were departure-cancellations, whereas the cancellation on the left was applied on arrival.

Maybe postclark 1 cancelled the picture postcard and sorted it according to the destination. At delivery postclark 2 confirmed that the picture postcard was delivered on 25.12.

I suppose: Christmas-greetings!

Kind regards
deCoppet Am: 25.04.2015 03:36:18 Gelesen: 12064# 9 @  
Hello Heinz - sorry I will not post off topic items in the future.

I must add information about this card used in Aarau.
There was only one canceler of this type and it was used on both incoming and outgoing items. In this case the card was posted, then cancelled at midnight 24 December [24.XII.00.—12]. The receiving date stamp in the lower left was stuck again 1am on Christmas Day [25.XII.00. I—]. All other Aarau uses where the canceler was used for both outgoing and incoming show the same time simultaneously struck by the same clerk.

Here are other razor cancels used in later years when the machines missed the stamps. Obviously the clerk was stationed by the machine to see when the machine missed stamps and then hand cancelled those missed. Automation was different in those days.

deCoppet Am: 25.04.2015 03:38:15 Gelesen: 12063# 10 @  
A page from my exhibit showing two early machines. Hand cancelers were used less frequently as more machines were introduced into the Swiss postal system.

deCoppet Am: 25.04.2015 03:43:18 Gelesen: 12062# 11 @  
And my other page -

Arrows Am: 14.02.2017 23:58:02 Gelesen: 9634# 12 @  
@ Manne [#13]

Flaggenstempel 2.2.1dt "Spart Fleisch/Economisez la viande" wurde von 17.3.-11.7.1919 verwendet, der Kronenstempel A1 "Bern 1/Briefexpedition" von 14.9.1911 bis 7.10.1922.

Quelle: Balimann, Güldensupp, Lehmann (1983); Handbuch der Maschinenstempel Schweiz, Liechtenstein, UNO Genf in 2 Bänden, Verlag Schweiz. Verein der Poststempelsammler, Bern

Der graue Wertstempel "7 1/2 Rp." im Muster der gleichzeitig erschienen Marken Tellknabe wurde auf amtlicher Ganzsache von 1918 bis 31.12.1932 verwendet.

Gruss, Arrows
Seku Am: 18.09.2017 18:10:19 Gelesen: 8532# 13 @  
Werbestempel 1949 Geneve - 100 Jahre Postjubiläum - Marke Mi.-Nr. 501 - Schloß Chillon am Genfer See

Ansichtskarte - Bahnstrecke Simplon - Vallorbe (Grenze) - Frankreich mit Tunnel du Mont d'Or (1939)
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